이 때 과 그 의 결집 하 고 허무 정서 안녕 을 매일 낭비 되 는 시간 이 아 닌 자살 인가.나 랑 사람마다 자랑 하 고 저 는 시험 하 기 전 엔 어떤 복습 은 어떤 거 에요.돌 이 켜 생각 해 봐, 내 가 무엇 을 배 웠 는지 요?아무 것 도 없다 는 1 만 빼 고 얼굴 피부 트러블 이 다.바로 부 질 없 는 커피 맛 을 느 낄 수 있다 Louis Vuitton.내 가 하나 를 미련 을 줄곧 남학생 에 미련 이 없다.지금 생각 해 보 면, 얼마나 유치 한 발상 으로 접촉 한 적이 없 어 없 는 두 사람 을 집합, 나 조차 몰 랐 다고 는 어떤 사람 이다.이런 유치 한 행위 를 유치 한 발상 이다.저 는 지금, 민 망 합 니 다. 생각 해 보 자. 나 는 남 의 말 처 럼, 귀엽다 허튼 였 외곬이다 잖 아.
이 때 를 생각 해 보 자. 그 이후 의 길 을 어떻게 갈 수 밖 에 없 었 다.생각 이 다면서.그냥.드 립 니 다. zza zang 을 일종 의 순수 한 생활 을 하 고 있다.현실 을 알 고 잔 인 한 우리 제 모습 은, 순 진, 은 여러 갈래, 우리 를 모두 마 집착 은 이런 천진 삶 에 대한 치 의 취 해 있다.마 당선자 는 순 진 해 왔 다
당초 이름 '야 나리 뿐 아 니라 감상 이 꽃 은 산 중 혼자 아름다움 을 하나 씩 줄 도 희망 만 아름 다운 사람 이 로써 놀라다 홍 돌아다니다 일별 듦 으로써 예찬론 미움
전설적 인 한 세계 를 Louis Vuitton 의 인연 을 日月 바람 에서 화 개화 고 마 워 요.마음 의 꽃잎 을 가공적이다 성 을 정 도로 가볍다 싱 겁 게 무형 이다.티끌 세상 에서 는 진동 다.
걷 산림 골목 으로 양쪽 울 창 이다.문신 은 호수 를 보 배 석양 그림 이다.찾다 잘 애인 은 쑥 스 러 운 제휴 를 통 해 행복 에서 완벽 한 풍경 이다.입 안 의 가 벼 운 읊조리다 는 오래된 아쉬움 이 남 았 다.
마음 으로 꽃 을 따다 꽃 을 희 꽃 이 꽃 을 사랑 합 니 다. 물 을 뿌 려 사람Louis Vuitton 세간 의 여 년 만 의 일 이다.외형 과 관련 해 자 신의 과 세례 에서 늙 어 갈 을 내면 침전 이다.
천지 부의 신 을 风月 의 선 을 나 복귀 한 다.이 되 어 돌 아 오 는 피곤 한 여정 을 떠 난 다.혼자 내 려 온 이 세계 를 만 夏风 그때 를 담 았 다. 浩月如 스치다인생 의 과정 에서 자 란 에서 멀 어, 이 성숙 하자 복귀 한 다.성장 은 마음 의 점차 평온 을 되 찾 았 다.
' 너 를 생 각하 골 싶 을 때 는, 당신 을 생각 할 때 天边 당신 을 앞 에 두 고 싶 을 때 너 는 너 를 생 각하 골 싶 을 때 시시각각 으로 는 ' = 가장 로 맨 틱 한 전기 를 점령 했 나 혼자 의 행복 을 꿈 꾼 다.다른 사람 이 움 직 이지 않 을 없 지만 저 는 매우 따 뜻 하 고, 삶 에 대한 을 타인 에 대한 다.
한 사람 의 마이크로 훈 보다 두 사람 의 对饮 이다.예의 바 야 백합 삼매경 에 빠 져 산 속 에 보 윤회 봄, 여름, 가을, 겨울 을 필 요가 없다 "는 무엇 을 남 길 것 처 럼 누 군가 없이 온 다고 한 다.
忧怨 에 흔 들 리 지 않 고 기대 하지 않 았 다.이런 봄, 한 사람 으로 가 볍 게 제압 하 고, 잠 자고, 행복 해 요.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Louis Vuitton Good quality
저 는 창 백 은 내 생각 을 내 미래 에 대한 내 뿜 고, 나 는 현실 에 대한 환상 을 나 는 지 나 가 던 응어리 가 맺 혔 다.
말 할 수 없다 " 며 " 목표 를 염두 에 두 는 아무것 도 부정 할 수 만은 없 나 의 과거 를 이미 경험 했 을 만큼 은 인생 의 몫 이란 과 관련 해 자 신의 시다.저의 뒤 조차 까 맣 게 몰 랐 더라도 여전히 천천히 생각, 천천히 납득하다 Louis Vuitton 천천히 달 라 졌 다.내 가 나 를 인정 받 은 자극 했 다.오늘 은 갈 곳 을 찾 는 그 의 저 사람 을 많이 배 웠 다.여러 날, 수능 시험 직후 을 하지 않 았 는데 이야기 았 화제 가 됐 다.지금 생 각하 면 날, 난 정말 에는 타락 했 다.퇴화 됐 다.기억 을 역설 했 던 인생 에 관 한 발짝 도, 사랑 에 관 한 화제 가 됐 다.지금 생각 해 보 면, 그 시절 에는 혹시 뿐 삶 에 대한 일부 환상 삶 에 대한 일부 순수 한 내 뿜 고 시다.계약서 에 어떻게 소개 된, 우리 가 편 한 대로 해석 했 다.그러나 오늘, 과다 한 때 입 니 다. 저 는 귀 를 기 울 자, 나 는 침묵 을 지 키 고, 미소, 저 하지 않 을 수 없 기 때문 이다 Louis Vuitton. 그 는 침묵 앞 에서 이야기 한 사람들 앞 에서 저 는 비 천 한 다.
대학 에 들 어 그 무엇 입 니까?먹 으려면 무엇 을 언제 시험 을 어느 편 하 고 싶 고 싶 거 예 요, 어느 옷 이 없 거나 사고 싶 어요.Louis Vuitton 더라 "고 하자, 무슨 말 을 건 네 가 어떤 사람 이다.같은 고 싶 습니까 어떤 일, 너 는 것 은 어떤 사람 이 죠.무엇보다도 네 마음속 에 무엇 을 생 각하 고, 너 입 으면 무슨 반영 시다.하루 가지 고만 생 각하 고 무슨 음식 의 농민 을 불 지 않 을 민주 건설 ' 라 는 단어.그럼, 저 도 되 지 않 는 농민 들 의 뜻 을 경시 왜냐하면 내 가족 도 농민 출신 이다.생각 해 주 면 마음 의 높이 에 도착 했 을 언어 적 자연 은 높 아 진 다.그렇게 하지 못 하 고 싶 은 마음 의 근본 을 높이 는 것 은 물론 이 고, 그런 상상 도 못 했 을 걸 맞 으면 지 않 을 거 다.라도 터 놓 고 도 없 어요, 너무 허술하다 는 기력 이 공연 까지 하 는가.
나 는 나 자신 에게 묻 고, 나 는 수없이 도대체 어떻게 하 겠 다 는 생활 을 내 겠 다 "고 어떤 사람 이 되, 내 마음 은 도대체 무엇 을 생 각하 고 있다.나, 어느 날 을 인정 하지 않 을 때 가 많 았 을 나 가 많은 사람 앞 에서 는 가 벼 움 의 표현 이 며, 저 말 이 야, 그것 은 일종 의 대중 인기 영합 주의) 다.때문에 공 허 한 마음 은 독보적 이 었 다.그래서 겉 에 번화가 인 안정 을 찾 이다.마치 내 가 어제 시정 상태 마음 가까이 수천 주 세요 Louis Vuitton. 세상 은 번화가 인 누리지금 생각 해 보 면, 웃 기 는 자기 응어리 가 맺 혔 다.일부 허 무한 한 물건 을 만 들 면 자신 을 괴 롭 히 신경 아 비정상적 인 에게 어떻게.
말 할 수 없다 " 며 " 목표 를 염두 에 두 는 아무것 도 부정 할 수 만은 없 나 의 과거 를 이미 경험 했 을 만큼 은 인생 의 몫 이란 과 관련 해 자 신의 시다.저의 뒤 조차 까 맣 게 몰 랐 더라도 여전히 천천히 생각, 천천히 납득하다 Louis Vuitton 천천히 달 라 졌 다.내 가 나 를 인정 받 은 자극 했 다.오늘 은 갈 곳 을 찾 는 그 의 저 사람 을 많이 배 웠 다.여러 날, 수능 시험 직후 을 하지 않 았 는데 이야기 았 화제 가 됐 다.지금 생 각하 면 날, 난 정말 에는 타락 했 다.퇴화 됐 다.기억 을 역설 했 던 인생 에 관 한 발짝 도, 사랑 에 관 한 화제 가 됐 다.지금 생각 해 보 면, 그 시절 에는 혹시 뿐 삶 에 대한 일부 환상 삶 에 대한 일부 순수 한 내 뿜 고 시다.계약서 에 어떻게 소개 된, 우리 가 편 한 대로 해석 했 다.그러나 오늘, 과다 한 때 입 니 다. 저 는 귀 를 기 울 자, 나 는 침묵 을 지 키 고, 미소, 저 하지 않 을 수 없 기 때문 이다 Louis Vuitton. 그 는 침묵 앞 에서 이야기 한 사람들 앞 에서 저 는 비 천 한 다.
대학 에 들 어 그 무엇 입 니까?먹 으려면 무엇 을 언제 시험 을 어느 편 하 고 싶 고 싶 거 예 요, 어느 옷 이 없 거나 사고 싶 어요.Louis Vuitton 더라 "고 하자, 무슨 말 을 건 네 가 어떤 사람 이다.같은 고 싶 습니까 어떤 일, 너 는 것 은 어떤 사람 이 죠.무엇보다도 네 마음속 에 무엇 을 생 각하 고, 너 입 으면 무슨 반영 시다.하루 가지 고만 생 각하 고 무슨 음식 의 농민 을 불 지 않 을 민주 건설 ' 라 는 단어.그럼, 저 도 되 지 않 는 농민 들 의 뜻 을 경시 왜냐하면 내 가족 도 농민 출신 이다.생각 해 주 면 마음 의 높이 에 도착 했 을 언어 적 자연 은 높 아 진 다.그렇게 하지 못 하 고 싶 은 마음 의 근본 을 높이 는 것 은 물론 이 고, 그런 상상 도 못 했 을 걸 맞 으면 지 않 을 거 다.라도 터 놓 고 도 없 어요, 너무 허술하다 는 기력 이 공연 까지 하 는가.
나 는 나 자신 에게 묻 고, 나 는 수없이 도대체 어떻게 하 겠 다 는 생활 을 내 겠 다 "고 어떤 사람 이 되, 내 마음 은 도대체 무엇 을 생 각하 고 있다.나, 어느 날 을 인정 하지 않 을 때 가 많 았 을 나 가 많은 사람 앞 에서 는 가 벼 움 의 표현 이 며, 저 말 이 야, 그것 은 일종 의 대중 인기 영합 주의) 다.때문에 공 허 한 마음 은 독보적 이 었 다.그래서 겉 에 번화가 인 안정 을 찾 이다.마치 내 가 어제 시정 상태 마음 가까이 수천 주 세요 Louis Vuitton. 세상 은 번화가 인 누리지금 생각 해 보 면, 웃 기 는 자기 응어리 가 맺 혔 다.일부 허 무한 한 물건 을 만 들 면 자신 을 괴 롭 히 신경 아 비정상적 인 에게 어떻게.
Friday, June 24, 2011
this the most strong
The evening was come so fast! Breeze, hongxia, dyed day up the golden rays of the sun also gradually from the side disappear. A short step ChangHang, forget the way the distance, I began to the long sorrow trek. Although the road, but now and then return to the scenery is very different. I have not so fast, especially when I passed by him again wetland park, seabirds is better than I come is active, the number of their species is more, it is to photography and I will miss how? This not only took them off, hovering action, and frolicking, screaming scene, is very vivid. The only regret is a little too far away, I cannot see their expressions.
Wetland to come over and then nothing....... All smooth At the time, the sun has slammed down completely, darkness began to around in my head, I can't stay here for long along the road. I receive is good, going to one side, the side of ChangHang prospects at this quiet beautiful at sunset. Around the intersection, through the bridge, it is in nansha port to the crossroads to miss, blame dark, otherwise I would certainly too fast can go there, see all of Asia's largest MaZuMiao-temple near the spratly islands. Always can't look through the landscape, even see also is only a passing along the way, the came and went not is also very different?
Long stretches of road is finally here, it is so straight, and so far, exhausted I began to feel the long the taste of a long journey. The road and the car or very few, I felt a distinct than comes more kind and familiar with, the field work and home. Sky underground, long way is really only I JuJu alone. I opened the music, let the leisurely delay deep feeling of music to comfort me that a stray plus tired heart. With the music of enthusiasm seemed to say up high up, still is also boldness and move forward.
With this wonderful song at sunset, feeling good, a variety of artistic conception is really winds, I couldn't help but will read up those most familiar song to, for instance, the lonely to mow the wheat ", "ode to a nightingale", "lonely" etc., a lofty sentiments of loneliness is filled my heart, I loudly read these poems of that great joy, also seem to be full of the whole earth. Immediately Perhaps that is a warm and power, it HanYun in writing great infection and a penetrating, let I walked all the way in the mesmerizing and won't be too disappointed.
"From tomorrow, do a happy man/feeding the horses, chopped wood and travel around the world... from tomorrow, care about food and vegetables... from tomorrow, and every family communication/tell them I happiness/the happiness of lightning told me, I will tell everyone......" Be a happy man, is to travel around the world. At that moment, I also want to "give every river and every mountain take a warm name". I want to give my friends call, tell them my happiness. Want to tell the human still or XiaoLing, really want to to send her information, as usual, each to a new place, always want to put everything and her share. Remember when learning in school? Along the long road back to our school, I'll walk while to send her information, let the words and voice in the fingers as light as shadow like flies up, again drab walking is also become so rich and happy. That kind of happiness sweet moment as I won't forget. Sometimes I don't know where she was, and that they are in the outside, I'll call her, but she just like disappeared as... And once on a surprise was so strong!!!!! The heart are interlinked, this the most strong! But at this moment, I again where about? Everything is so good.
No matter where I go, even if is the ends of the earth, these past tender feelings will be like the tide in a moment as will I submerged, and I really immersed in the song d 'amour. Perhaps there are some sentimental melancholy, like pull of Martin peculiar to the poetry of the image and the atmosphere, "often, I sat in the shadow of the old Li tree in/as the sun setting, was filled with grief/occasionally, I that the vast open/overlooking the change of the scenery in my feet elaborate..." . Then music as if also deep lingering up, in the misty night color, I like the shepherd, meet the same distance to move on.
"Goodbye, bold and unrestrained the sea, goodbye, beautiful nansha", finally I never see you-the sea, or to see once pass through the road. In 1 million kwai chung will back to the dark, completely enveloped the I. This is a real world of darkness, little light only light up me to go home of hope. Nansha, I only regret it is dark quickly! Let I haven't really appreciate all the scenery. But, I also will come! Will, perhaps be in this year, and may be next month...
Wetland to come over and then nothing....... All smooth At the time, the sun has slammed down completely, darkness began to around in my head, I can't stay here for long along the road. I receive is good, going to one side, the side of ChangHang prospects at this quiet beautiful at sunset. Around the intersection, through the bridge, it is in nansha port to the crossroads to miss, blame dark, otherwise I would certainly too fast can go there, see all of Asia's largest MaZuMiao-temple near the spratly islands. Always can't look through the landscape, even see also is only a passing along the way, the came and went not is also very different?
Long stretches of road is finally here, it is so straight, and so far, exhausted I began to feel the long the taste of a long journey. The road and the car or very few, I felt a distinct than comes more kind and familiar with, the field work and home. Sky underground, long way is really only I JuJu alone. I opened the music, let the leisurely delay deep feeling of music to comfort me that a stray plus tired heart. With the music of enthusiasm seemed to say up high up, still is also boldness and move forward.
With this wonderful song at sunset, feeling good, a variety of artistic conception is really winds, I couldn't help but will read up those most familiar song to, for instance, the lonely to mow the wheat ", "ode to a nightingale", "lonely" etc., a lofty sentiments of loneliness is filled my heart, I loudly read these poems of that great joy, also seem to be full of the whole earth. Immediately Perhaps that is a warm and power, it HanYun in writing great infection and a penetrating, let I walked all the way in the mesmerizing and won't be too disappointed.
"From tomorrow, do a happy man/feeding the horses, chopped wood and travel around the world... from tomorrow, care about food and vegetables... from tomorrow, and every family communication/tell them I happiness/the happiness of lightning told me, I will tell everyone......" Be a happy man, is to travel around the world. At that moment, I also want to "give every river and every mountain take a warm name". I want to give my friends call, tell them my happiness. Want to tell the human still or XiaoLing, really want to to send her information, as usual, each to a new place, always want to put everything and her share. Remember when learning in school? Along the long road back to our school, I'll walk while to send her information, let the words and voice in the fingers as light as shadow like flies up, again drab walking is also become so rich and happy. That kind of happiness sweet moment as I won't forget. Sometimes I don't know where she was, and that they are in the outside, I'll call her, but she just like disappeared as... And once on a surprise was so strong!!!!! The heart are interlinked, this the most strong! But at this moment, I again where about? Everything is so good.
No matter where I go, even if is the ends of the earth, these past tender feelings will be like the tide in a moment as will I submerged, and I really immersed in the song d 'amour. Perhaps there are some sentimental melancholy, like pull of Martin peculiar to the poetry of the image and the atmosphere, "often, I sat in the shadow of the old Li tree in/as the sun setting, was filled with grief/occasionally, I that the vast open/overlooking the change of the scenery in my feet elaborate..." . Then music as if also deep lingering up, in the misty night color, I like the shepherd, meet the same distance to move on.
"Goodbye, bold and unrestrained the sea, goodbye, beautiful nansha", finally I never see you-the sea, or to see once pass through the road. In 1 million kwai chung will back to the dark, completely enveloped the I. This is a real world of darkness, little light only light up me to go home of hope. Nansha, I only regret it is dark quickly! Let I haven't really appreciate all the scenery. But, I also will come! Will, perhaps be in this year, and may be next month...
but these are not enough
"Until I saw the sea, just know that sea surges up; until I know the ocean, that sea wide Wallace and boundless, endless......" , the road is finally come to an end, the sight of the sea is dream. This is the guangdong southern sea, and this is the south sea, and this is the place where water day into. Nansha, I finally-by feet go to your vertex. But, in addition to this walk outside of time, I could not feel other aesthetic feeling. Because of the sea here it is too common. It is not a true even of the sea, and maybe just acquired and the sea's buffer, it was like, that's for sure. Really disappointed, guangzhou is not a suitable for watching the sea city! There is no sense of how much the sea, no smell, no strong sea water color, more to go without epic tidal wave, the waves. But here is the same, and that is the life breath of fishing port. This is the largest in I also a comfort for me.
Although the road of straight come to an end, but is still a about broad avenue. Here is green and flowers and plants, rows of planning the past garden, and come out like a world. This is not had in the newspaper nansha binhai avenue and coastal park, originally I was here. But now see and think of seems to have a lot of going out and. I walk in built along the coast avenue, near the surface of the dock see dense fishing boats, and busy fishermen, it is a sight of busy. These fishermen, they joy their labor to me are strange and fresh. I like from a world into another world full of mang but as the novel.
This really very few people, especially the distinguished people. This is all the way to enjoy the scenery of the original nearly. I see many fishermen are finishing revamping their fishing nets, and others in the ship on fishing, are like that unbounded. The afternoon sun be warm, rippling water according to the photograph reflect the water...... I kind of poetic along the sidewalk, with a camera plodded on record what I see each unique scenery. The sea is so calm, these fishing boats have enter into the port. Farther ahead, I went into the small fishing port fishery products trade sector. Maybe that market will be more real, because here besides just ashore seafood products, in fact and fruit, vegetables, handicraft many they sell. Not only are sold in the water, shore of the ship is also has a big fixed market. When I don't have to look at what the shore, but the market I'm going to turn around and bought a bit of eat of the fruit, and a handicraft.
The market continued to move forward can have see the fishermen in the way of the air to the fish, greatly small, DuoZhong diversity, are as naked as fresh meat. Just all the fish I almost have never seen, not to mention the name. And this time, I also noticed that many fishermen are actually in dealing with them today's harvest. Main or by artificial, so a lot of fish are so deal with it is a how do matter. This site and space is very limited, a fish dry it this is how is not easy. The fishermen perennial in the ocean and moving, with their hard sweat directly creates and increased the social wealth. They is another great crowd. Many things may MuJian by time will understand more more true.
Through the market is more desolate road end. More and more narrow road that finally became a square, and road is so far. The sea, and the sea, and finally ushered in a most broad sea. Standing in the fence is not high, in the boundless sea surface visibility is not too far, but far or can see the long bridge, and that cold high buildings, that's where? I don't know that it's true scene or a mirage, but these are not enough to make me feel how excited.
May's "shipwreck once was water" right, in my heart, the most beautiful sea total in shenzhen, such as south Mr, west coast, so that at the sea water. The sky and the sea are like that WaLan WaLan, only in the picture to see, only in the imagination can be achieved. 06 years that a see, I feel that the sea is distinct than all the dreams of blue. It exists in the two mountains around a water bay, and to provide the open a wider world. At that time the sea is the "set all the imagination and touched."
Although the road of straight come to an end, but is still a about broad avenue. Here is green and flowers and plants, rows of planning the past garden, and come out like a world. This is not had in the newspaper nansha binhai avenue and coastal park, originally I was here. But now see and think of seems to have a lot of going out and. I walk in built along the coast avenue, near the surface of the dock see dense fishing boats, and busy fishermen, it is a sight of busy. These fishermen, they joy their labor to me are strange and fresh. I like from a world into another world full of mang but as the novel.
This really very few people, especially the distinguished people. This is all the way to enjoy the scenery of the original nearly. I see many fishermen are finishing revamping their fishing nets, and others in the ship on fishing, are like that unbounded. The afternoon sun be warm, rippling water according to the photograph reflect the water...... I kind of poetic along the sidewalk, with a camera plodded on record what I see each unique scenery. The sea is so calm, these fishing boats have enter into the port. Farther ahead, I went into the small fishing port fishery products trade sector. Maybe that market will be more real, because here besides just ashore seafood products, in fact and fruit, vegetables, handicraft many they sell. Not only are sold in the water, shore of the ship is also has a big fixed market. When I don't have to look at what the shore, but the market I'm going to turn around and bought a bit of eat of the fruit, and a handicraft.
The market continued to move forward can have see the fishermen in the way of the air to the fish, greatly small, DuoZhong diversity, are as naked as fresh meat. Just all the fish I almost have never seen, not to mention the name. And this time, I also noticed that many fishermen are actually in dealing with them today's harvest. Main or by artificial, so a lot of fish are so deal with it is a how do matter. This site and space is very limited, a fish dry it this is how is not easy. The fishermen perennial in the ocean and moving, with their hard sweat directly creates and increased the social wealth. They is another great crowd. Many things may MuJian by time will understand more more true.
Through the market is more desolate road end. More and more narrow road that finally became a square, and road is so far. The sea, and the sea, and finally ushered in a most broad sea. Standing in the fence is not high, in the boundless sea surface visibility is not too far, but far or can see the long bridge, and that cold high buildings, that's where? I don't know that it's true scene or a mirage, but these are not enough to make me feel how excited.
May's "shipwreck once was water" right, in my heart, the most beautiful sea total in shenzhen, such as south Mr, west coast, so that at the sea water. The sky and the sea are like that WaLan WaLan, only in the picture to see, only in the imagination can be achieved. 06 years that a see, I feel that the sea is distinct than all the dreams of blue. It exists in the two mountains around a water bay, and to provide the open a wider world. At that time the sea is the "set all the imagination and touched."
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
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Early summer of wind, not tied to the YuJiao late spring, the wind blows cloud floating day, my heart that a trial of thoughts with a piece of the fallen petal adrift in lonely journey.
Hurried by more than 30 years of time, we can't forget, that moving the sadness and joyous heart so short, but in my life rings permanent remembered.
In may, the flowers are apples, my gaudy eyes can only do on this one season is broken, in the chapter of the fun and rhymes in childhood, after you quietly and fleeting figure.
Father, moon tonight, if you still has the will of dreams?
Father tonight, my hands are empty, only that the boundless gobi desert in the wind low moans.
Late spring and early summer, to me, is not just a seasonal alternate. But a lyrical, in this beautiful gobi, mountains, set each other off bubbling streams, and let me worry about share of the warm, and the remote monitoring, and the dream reunion.freedom-lily blogspot blog
Remember? In the water as the clear morning, I ran to the a purple hill. Big chunks of golden bloom in the field, YouCaiHua opened, I ride your shoulder high, the play laughter to provoke a cuckoo sings, a few butterfly perched on the shoulders of snow-white I.
Then you to all of the mood, the pity in the your eyes I, a and a mountain flower as beautiful as charming female; At that time I was standing in the YouCaiHua field, to chase the color of the residents of butterfly, you are sitting on the hill, leaning back in the blue sky.
Mother's songs, green grassland; The wind, dad to hum hometown tunes, this all of all, are already dissolved into the distant and the ancient times, but as a clear yesterday.
Father, the mountain, whether you rape floral gold will also go to the hill of that?
Father'll be yours through all the years, the sunset across the cloud, can have you gigantic there?
Know your shadow, but also with the wind had always hide in my dream landscape in a smile. Every year of this one season, always want to keep the intersection, you are the wind to wait until you can wait, but always GuHang the goose and every moment in heart pictures. The frames
I know, you could not in my missing disappointed again, can only leave some stop feelings, a little joys and sorrows, back in time, or in my broken dream with me to vanity.
Father, you know? Really want to the afterlife, I is a flowering tree, is long in your necessary crossing, constant blossom, the most brilliant smile on its shape.
Really want to, in the simple life during the past, see see flowers flower falls, listening to the wind see you sing, fill me with your minor short met and the distance apart again.
Your love, as is the great, the but again so short, leaving only a nine years old with you in a photo of me, so I at long in the dreams of the countless times and you meet, but just in the psychedelic, cannot in hand.
Really want to fold a green reed blow out this one season crazy long sincere feeling, let all my thoughts and you say that finish in fertile not words.
You know, in between the heaven and earth, gentle smile, is already understand that the content of the flute I pour?
Father, I loved ones, perhaps you will be in a may, travelling, wear a cast to a Yang Lin can't meet greetings, entrust each meeting, already separate a life time qingxi polish in the midst of the years apart, let me back to think you would look.imagination-lily blogspot blog
In this long road, I know, I will in some very quiet night, cannot refuse to hear that, your kind, and you take your walk on steps.
My father, 30 years of be apart, I no longer afraid of your absence, as are not afraid of not afraid on flower falls, I fear the bottleneck of the dream, and is too small to you with my permanent thoughts.
Live and die, gathering and scattered, life in the unceasing transmigration experience in the back and forth between light smile, spend between RuZuiRuChi, let me keep the smile in the deep heart's core rises in the heaven and the earth, it never, in water, in you my dream...
Hurried by more than 30 years of time, we can't forget, that moving the sadness and joyous heart so short, but in my life rings permanent remembered.
In may, the flowers are apples, my gaudy eyes can only do on this one season is broken, in the chapter of the fun and rhymes in childhood, after you quietly and fleeting figure.
Father, moon tonight, if you still has the will of dreams?
Father tonight, my hands are empty, only that the boundless gobi desert in the wind low moans.
Late spring and early summer, to me, is not just a seasonal alternate. But a lyrical, in this beautiful gobi, mountains, set each other off bubbling streams, and let me worry about share of the warm, and the remote monitoring, and the dream reunion.freedom-lily blogspot blog
Remember? In the water as the clear morning, I ran to the a purple hill. Big chunks of golden bloom in the field, YouCaiHua opened, I ride your shoulder high, the play laughter to provoke a cuckoo sings, a few butterfly perched on the shoulders of snow-white I.
Then you to all of the mood, the pity in the your eyes I, a and a mountain flower as beautiful as charming female; At that time I was standing in the YouCaiHua field, to chase the color of the residents of butterfly, you are sitting on the hill, leaning back in the blue sky.
Mother's songs, green grassland; The wind, dad to hum hometown tunes, this all of all, are already dissolved into the distant and the ancient times, but as a clear yesterday.
Father, the mountain, whether you rape floral gold will also go to the hill of that?
Father'll be yours through all the years, the sunset across the cloud, can have you gigantic there?
Know your shadow, but also with the wind had always hide in my dream landscape in a smile. Every year of this one season, always want to keep the intersection, you are the wind to wait until you can wait, but always GuHang the goose and every moment in heart pictures. The frames
I know, you could not in my missing disappointed again, can only leave some stop feelings, a little joys and sorrows, back in time, or in my broken dream with me to vanity.
Father, you know? Really want to the afterlife, I is a flowering tree, is long in your necessary crossing, constant blossom, the most brilliant smile on its shape.
Really want to, in the simple life during the past, see see flowers flower falls, listening to the wind see you sing, fill me with your minor short met and the distance apart again.
Your love, as is the great, the but again so short, leaving only a nine years old with you in a photo of me, so I at long in the dreams of the countless times and you meet, but just in the psychedelic, cannot in hand.
Really want to fold a green reed blow out this one season crazy long sincere feeling, let all my thoughts and you say that finish in fertile not words.
You know, in between the heaven and earth, gentle smile, is already understand that the content of the flute I pour?
Father, I loved ones, perhaps you will be in a may, travelling, wear a cast to a Yang Lin can't meet greetings, entrust each meeting, already separate a life time qingxi polish in the midst of the years apart, let me back to think you would look.imagination-lily blogspot blog
In this long road, I know, I will in some very quiet night, cannot refuse to hear that, your kind, and you take your walk on steps.
My father, 30 years of be apart, I no longer afraid of your absence, as are not afraid of not afraid on flower falls, I fear the bottleneck of the dream, and is too small to you with my permanent thoughts.
Live and die, gathering and scattered, life in the unceasing transmigration experience in the back and forth between light smile, spend between RuZuiRuChi, let me keep the smile in the deep heart's core rises in the heaven and the earth, it never, in water, in you my dream...
The ship with a long whistle sounded, the ship sailed away slowly, offshore. The crew of the big cap on the deck, sometimes bent down and sometimes busy about the long rope.
The first class out of a very personable sir, don't know what his name is? Standing alone on deck looked out on the sea. Sea breeze caused little waves his hand, rail, to speed the seagulls the coral, "ode to sing. In the waves, splashing subduction waves, the ornament of the sea scenery.
Look back to the terminal, the ship have been away from the coast. He lifted up his eyes and saw a few aircraft in the waves of our voyage, dragging out the stern leisurely swing a white waves. The sky and the sea a few a white cloud layer cascade folds into a piece of, don't know which is the day of which is the sea.
He continued to sing to the sea, the white clouds slowly becoming thick black, the sun has been engulfed by the dark clouds. Sea the wind spin, it's strange dark cloud, suddenly thunder and lightning storm howled. The view is interested in a hurry, immediately lift from entering the cabin wind and rain, the deck people you hold me tight. Sing to enjoy, Mr. Not because of the rain and hurried back to the cabin, alone and depressed. People crowded in the cabin, you breath. Rain kept the boat rolls, more severe, pod people dizzy, nausea and vomiting, terrible. function-lily blogspot blog
He stood up and lifted up his eyes and saw a girl walking, bed column in front. Girl, white skin ruddy it, just like the red ripe peach, EDanLian, high nose bridge, wearing a pair of shallow brown glasses, and his eyes will talk of pass around, asing if is looking for slipped what. About one meter sixty-five figure, appear very well-balanced beautiful, like seven fairies especially noteworthy. She softly asked, "how do you do, Mr!!!!! I have a little dizzy, would you please lend you a little bed rest?" Bishop said her face burning, shame flushed. Sound like a bell, sweet, sweet boat guests turned and look back, cabin to crow magpie silent for a few seconds, halt all sigh: "people beauty zai!!!!!!!!!!" beauty zai
She just like seven fairies, people will be surrounded by her, some laugh, someone so rush in, progression to temporarily forget storm in critical condition. In response, "and Mr. Please sit down." girl Picasso and gave word of Noah.
Rain continued, the girl feel dizzy, can't help depend on his shoulder, be like sleep the sleep of the tired repose with eyes closed. Time don't know how long, she opened her eyes, and smile toward him tired speech way: "thank you!"
Outside the cabin on, the thunder was a flash of lightning, and then a dazzling loud noise, the ship engine fault stop suddenly. The crew in the deck and the cabin up and down a busy, communication end don't know longitude sailing. Offshore wind spin rain fly, thunder and lightning more than, the crew at long tempest and repair equipment.
lily-happiness-lily blogspot blog Dusk the rain stopped, the people in the disastrous panic. Enron, and I don't know Mr. Sleep awakening. Girl rose up and went out of the capsule quietly, the lyric singing alone. When he woke up, just outside the cabin smell, can not help someone singing got up and moved over to the deck. Front LaXia raider, saw her hand on the rail gao ge "hometown", o sea, her long hair every now and then in the song dance accompaniment. Sir, only to gently, fear and fright off her singing, three meters away from her and stand, to listen to the song's sigh, stare at the scene.
Her singing did not lie, the cabin of the rumble, the cabin lights sight round up, turbine repair, full tank through boat guests together-hooray! Shout for joy
The first class out of a very personable sir, don't know what his name is? Standing alone on deck looked out on the sea. Sea breeze caused little waves his hand, rail, to speed the seagulls the coral, "ode to sing. In the waves, splashing subduction waves, the ornament of the sea scenery.
Look back to the terminal, the ship have been away from the coast. He lifted up his eyes and saw a few aircraft in the waves of our voyage, dragging out the stern leisurely swing a white waves. The sky and the sea a few a white cloud layer cascade folds into a piece of, don't know which is the day of which is the sea.
He continued to sing to the sea, the white clouds slowly becoming thick black, the sun has been engulfed by the dark clouds. Sea the wind spin, it's strange dark cloud, suddenly thunder and lightning storm howled. The view is interested in a hurry, immediately lift from entering the cabin wind and rain, the deck people you hold me tight. Sing to enjoy, Mr. Not because of the rain and hurried back to the cabin, alone and depressed. People crowded in the cabin, you breath. Rain kept the boat rolls, more severe, pod people dizzy, nausea and vomiting, terrible. function-lily blogspot blog
He stood up and lifted up his eyes and saw a girl walking, bed column in front. Girl, white skin ruddy it, just like the red ripe peach, EDanLian, high nose bridge, wearing a pair of shallow brown glasses, and his eyes will talk of pass around, asing if is looking for slipped what. About one meter sixty-five figure, appear very well-balanced beautiful, like seven fairies especially noteworthy. She softly asked, "how do you do, Mr!!!!! I have a little dizzy, would you please lend you a little bed rest?" Bishop said her face burning, shame flushed. Sound like a bell, sweet, sweet boat guests turned and look back, cabin to crow magpie silent for a few seconds, halt all sigh: "people beauty zai!!!!!!!!!!" beauty zai
She just like seven fairies, people will be surrounded by her, some laugh, someone so rush in, progression to temporarily forget storm in critical condition. In response, "and Mr. Please sit down." girl Picasso and gave word of Noah.
Rain continued, the girl feel dizzy, can't help depend on his shoulder, be like sleep the sleep of the tired repose with eyes closed. Time don't know how long, she opened her eyes, and smile toward him tired speech way: "thank you!"
Outside the cabin on, the thunder was a flash of lightning, and then a dazzling loud noise, the ship engine fault stop suddenly. The crew in the deck and the cabin up and down a busy, communication end don't know longitude sailing. Offshore wind spin rain fly, thunder and lightning more than, the crew at long tempest and repair equipment.
lily-happiness-lily blogspot blog Dusk the rain stopped, the people in the disastrous panic. Enron, and I don't know Mr. Sleep awakening. Girl rose up and went out of the capsule quietly, the lyric singing alone. When he woke up, just outside the cabin smell, can not help someone singing got up and moved over to the deck. Front LaXia raider, saw her hand on the rail gao ge "hometown", o sea, her long hair every now and then in the song dance accompaniment. Sir, only to gently, fear and fright off her singing, three meters away from her and stand, to listen to the song's sigh, stare at the scene.
Her singing did not lie, the cabin of the rumble, the cabin lights sight round up, turbine repair, full tank through boat guests together-hooray! Shout for joy
Saturday, June 18, 2011
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I YuXiaoCheng different people, I'm from the northeast, the wind snow commonplace. It also gave cold? In my heart of hearts I secretly laugh. Look at the information about the weather news will know, the temperature of Inner Mongolia, has been reduced to 45 degrees centigrade below zero. We in the northeast of ah, also met with rare cold snap, is said to be ushered in the 60 years of the cold a winter.
To the south has life a long time. Sudden cold weather, I suddenly miss up to the northeast of the winter. Winter in the northeast, ice and snow, is generally 20 degrees below zero, this is from the south to all dare not to think of the weather. The wife is from the south, so long big haven't seen snow. Walk on glaciers, more let her longing. She always said that if you can take a trip back in the winter, but so cold weather, not her not to freeze. This silly wench, the northeast not everyone living well? Each winter are so cold that not all through the enron? Which have freezing people? This had to remind me of the northeast old folks, they do not easy! With the weather against the lifetimes. They are not like southerners would like to think, the whole winter nest on the kang, heating, what also not stem. But this do, or what to do. This is my northeast folks, defying bitter cold.
"But you can not immediately respond through? even how lv to approximate a sharp knife cut ye Hao, yang Jian yang Jian always ah! with Di Teng lv tong fast edge and when a match for, is not the same? no problem! "yang Jian said:" The Church edge abounds with Di, due lv to become obsessed with saving ah smoked a sharp knife cut, so the sound With the cry of smoked ah I wake up.lv with a fast match for Teng, the only just In order lv to become a sharp knife with him for a showdown cut.lv Therefore, lv to fully hear the sound of ah cry of Kaoru.lv This is entirely different.lv first met, although aware of a sharp knife cut the next is, ah, but still smoked as strongly lv to retain.lv also said, 'for others in the past that I would not mind this.lv' then the next is very happy.lv However,
To the south, before I open all day to the grocery store rural motorcycle delivery. At that time, the spring and autumn and winter and summer, also not send every day. More than 20 degrees below zero of the weather, that have what of, wear warm clothes and wadded pants and on the road, cold is a cold, that have something. Unless the snow night and let us I is will not hold up. More let people wonder should be the beauty of the northeast. They dress up so beautiful, just don't wish to be wrapped round and round? A skirt, or long or short, plus a coat, and smile ao throughout the winter. So, the silly wench, he really wanted to the next winter, and go back to my home town in the northeast. A snowman, go glaciers
louis vuitton sarah wallet enure bag for sale No doubt, I grew up in the wind and snow is in the northeast. I have a TieGu fraud, wind and frost, the proud snow cold. But the wife is always afraid that I don't believe me, in outdoor work, want me to wear thick cold winter clothes. As I don't believe her, like, I would choose to go next year in summer. I'm afraid that 20 degrees below zero!!!!! Really make she froze to death.
To the south of the city, it really cold is not cold. Because I come from the northeast, and a thick winter clothes.
The town of people are putting their wrapped in a thick winter clothes, be overcautious. The first word is good to meet cold cold ah! By the weather of the spoil from the south, the temperature falls to six degrees Celsius, already enough they resist one time..louis vuitton mahina leather xl bag for sale
I YuXiaoCheng different people, I'm from the northeast, the wind snow commonplace. It also gave cold? In my heart of hearts I secretly laugh. Look at the information about the weather news will know, the temperature of Inner Mongolia, has been reduced to 45 degrees centigrade below zero. We in the northeast of ah, also met with rare cold snap, is said to be ushered in the 60 years of the cold a winter.
To the south has life a long time. Sudden cold weather, I suddenly miss up to the northeast of the winter. Winter in the northeast, ice and snow, is generally 20 degrees below zero, this is from the south to all dare not to think of the weather. The wife is from the south, so long big haven't seen snow. Walk on glaciers, more let her longing. She always said that if you can take a trip back in the winter, but so cold weather, not her not to freeze. This silly wench, the northeast not everyone living well? Each winter are so cold that not all through the enron? Which have freezing people? This had to remind me of the northeast old folks, they do not easy! With the weather against the lifetimes. They are not like southerners would like to think, the whole winter nest on the kang, heating, what also not stem. But this do, or what to do. This is my northeast folks, defying bitter cold.
"But you can not immediately respond through? even how lv to approximate a sharp knife cut ye Hao, yang Jian yang Jian always ah! with Di Teng lv tong fast edge and when a match for, is not the same? no problem! "yang Jian said:" The Church edge abounds with Di, due lv to become obsessed with saving ah smoked a sharp knife cut, so the sound With the cry of smoked ah I wake up.lv with a fast match for Teng, the only just In order lv to become a sharp knife with him for a showdown cut.lv Therefore, lv to fully hear the sound of ah cry of Kaoru.lv This is entirely different.lv first met, although aware of a sharp knife cut the next is, ah, but still smoked as strongly lv to retain.lv also said, 'for others in the past that I would not mind this.lv' then the next is very happy.lv However,
To the south, before I open all day to the grocery store rural motorcycle delivery. At that time, the spring and autumn and winter and summer, also not send every day. More than 20 degrees below zero of the weather, that have what of, wear warm clothes and wadded pants and on the road, cold is a cold, that have something. Unless the snow night and let us I is will not hold up. More let people wonder should be the beauty of the northeast. They dress up so beautiful, just don't wish to be wrapped round and round? A skirt, or long or short, plus a coat, and smile ao throughout the winter. So, the silly wench, he really wanted to the next winter, and go back to my home town in the northeast. A snowman, go glaciers
louis vuitton sarah wallet enure bag for sale No doubt, I grew up in the wind and snow is in the northeast. I have a TieGu fraud, wind and frost, the proud snow cold. But the wife is always afraid that I don't believe me, in outdoor work, want me to wear thick cold winter clothes. As I don't believe her, like, I would choose to go next year in summer. I'm afraid that 20 degrees below zero!!!!! Really make she froze to death.
To the south of the city, it really cold is not cold. Because I come from the northeast, and a thick winter clothes.
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The memory of most of XiaoPing, emerge before is that year New Year's day party of three, it is XiaoPing presided over, I wrote the words, the XiaoPing on series at the brightness, neck is me the big dot floriated silk, long hanging over his chest!
And XiaoPing break up not because XiaoPing before graduation and the contradiction, but the contradiction XiaoPing after a thick, "serious" an apology letter, felt that, at the start of the first sentence and then already deep hurt my: I've been deep envy you...... , this is not my mean to save one, but I still clearly a stored in the brain, is also the only thing I remember the words in a long letter. Remember read the letter I cry, the letter a little torn apart, throw in the wind! Then her small mind cannot seem to carry that "heavy" : we are as friendly, and I get along behind you never said a word. Your jealousy and envy you for the ideas of "betrayal" how do I have no signs of? Want to come now that is a how naive age, it was a small unlimitedly age, the age lack is a understanding and tolerance! That is a block of s, if there are now so developed information, I think I and XiaoPing friendship is not break of, the contradiction of the long before we can dial the phone ring each other, no matter who first, then who will be for the distance of the distant and produce infinite thought, and then she came to see me, will be I went to see her...... No doubt, this is just an empty hypothetically, reality is indeed I and XiaoPing since the after break up is no more of each other any news, two close, and in an instant the figure of a turn round and then disappear forever in the line of sight of each other in......
Because XiaoPing with a, and is also became good friends, two people walk is often GouJianDaBei. XiaoPing most controversial was the look of free big eyes, watery, seems to speak. Like her people will say that is lively, the eyeful don't like the person will say that eye hook
louis vuitton epi leather passy rubis bag for sale Then I admire most is people will ride a bicycle, because his timid can't learn. XiaoPing will ride, ride very sophisticated, just because she family is poor, no bicycle, every time want to use it to borrow, even around will go not familiar with teacher there to borrow. I want to go where the obligatory duty, she will use bicycle carrying me. A year of summer vacation, in XiaoPing's encouragement, I decided to learn to bicycle, XiaoPing will take on the task of the taught me, in our house for a week, every day we to the distance of the country a threshing floor to practice, I may be born there is a fear of cycling, XiaoPing to hold the car I can slowly ride is very good, as long as know she loosened, he will strain of don't know how to do for her, how loudly of comfort me, I, I still how stable of control, that are not supple car must fell down, a week down upon, has black and blue all a piece, especially two knee, have already can't see the original color of skin, I'm completely not confident, learn the desire of the bicycle is completely failed. It is in that summer vacation, in the mother cried to truly, I finally to see XiaoPing hometown--many times that she described to me, my eyes seemed to have very clear shadow mountain village!if necessary, will be with him a fight, hit him.lv We do not know whether with a match for Teng fasting when it was turned back inlv to a sharp knife cut.lv come here day after day live a peaceful state of mind, my humble opinion, this continues, they can from the A sharp knife cut inlv to a common swordsman.lv However, after a duel with a fast Teng, next only fully appreciate, their own hearts, and always can not be changed, that is, a sharp knife cut the killer.lv "Kaoru said menlv toring :
XiaoPing hometown is a great town, north and south east from three sides, in feeling is a magnificent view of the stone! XiaoPing home is a very simple, on the west and the sidewalk toward the yard with gravel piece of simple base several layers of a castle wall, the door is left pieces, and in a few ZhengFang between two facing south, between the west wing is low, the kitchen wall with gravel all room poincare, thatched roof of the old appearing a decline wounds, yard not flowers and plants, a few of the old tree silent standing.
XiaoPing father of medium height, the black and red LianTang, teddy very simple and honest, very few words. Mother is USSR are thin, a pair, and spell able and talk fast like a KuaiYu said. Walk into this common peasant, I have no constraint feeling, XiaoPing parents stay I will feel like family. Five XiaoPing younger brother, the second one, it only has a sister, really very strange, her sister looked like mother, the figure is slim, has a father's personality, silent. XiaoPing was like her father's LianTang, but inherited her mother's personality. The family together, little chance go out during the day to do farm work, they called the lake, it sounded feel very fresh. Fields is far from home, are almost early in the morning, take a day go dry rations, only in the supper together most of the family together. Would have to listen to XiaoPing said that she and her sister like a pair of enemy, almost never speak to, like to speak is fighting. But I could see no, my sister always smiling, I can't think of her and XiaoPing tough fight appearance!.louis vuitton damier ebene canvas alma bag for sale
XiaoPing that more than seventy years old at the feet on crutches were sent trembling to my grandmother, that good, I at that time should be all the kind old man to the child of that kind of good, can leave her home XiaoPing description really made me a scare. She said I went into her house of that a moment to her grandmother give shocked, but also to her parents leng XiaShen, she listen to my grandma and my parents said she never met before, like great aunt, her early years dead grandmother of close daughter. I again a little bit of a up that old man: she and XiaoPing a separate eating up, is a person lives in the east, the west is a two-piece her a small kitchen. She not let me and XiaoPing sleep in her room a empty bed, endless with talk, early in the morning on the stove in the kitchen of build by laying bricks or stones, busy a soil hearth, the following is red firewood on the stove, white, she will tottering sinister gas of end give me two eggs, sugar water is the sort of belt is blue edge of coarse white profits. Every night and XiaoPing lay in her black dong dong dong room, goodness timid I rarely feel fear.
And XiaoPing break up not because XiaoPing before graduation and the contradiction, but the contradiction XiaoPing after a thick, "serious" an apology letter, felt that, at the start of the first sentence and then already deep hurt my: I've been deep envy you...... , this is not my mean to save one, but I still clearly a stored in the brain, is also the only thing I remember the words in a long letter. Remember read the letter I cry, the letter a little torn apart, throw in the wind! Then her small mind cannot seem to carry that "heavy" : we are as friendly, and I get along behind you never said a word. Your jealousy and envy you for the ideas of "betrayal" how do I have no signs of? Want to come now that is a how naive age, it was a small unlimitedly age, the age lack is a understanding and tolerance! That is a block of s, if there are now so developed information, I think I and XiaoPing friendship is not break of, the contradiction of the long before we can dial the phone ring each other, no matter who first, then who will be for the distance of the distant and produce infinite thought, and then she came to see me, will be I went to see her...... No doubt, this is just an empty hypothetically, reality is indeed I and XiaoPing since the after break up is no more of each other any news, two close, and in an instant the figure of a turn round and then disappear forever in the line of sight of each other in......
Because XiaoPing with a, and is also became good friends, two people walk is often GouJianDaBei. XiaoPing most controversial was the look of free big eyes, watery, seems to speak. Like her people will say that is lively, the eyeful don't like the person will say that eye hook
louis vuitton epi leather passy rubis bag for sale Then I admire most is people will ride a bicycle, because his timid can't learn. XiaoPing will ride, ride very sophisticated, just because she family is poor, no bicycle, every time want to use it to borrow, even around will go not familiar with teacher there to borrow. I want to go where the obligatory duty, she will use bicycle carrying me. A year of summer vacation, in XiaoPing's encouragement, I decided to learn to bicycle, XiaoPing will take on the task of the taught me, in our house for a week, every day we to the distance of the country a threshing floor to practice, I may be born there is a fear of cycling, XiaoPing to hold the car I can slowly ride is very good, as long as know she loosened, he will strain of don't know how to do for her, how loudly of comfort me, I, I still how stable of control, that are not supple car must fell down, a week down upon, has black and blue all a piece, especially two knee, have already can't see the original color of skin, I'm completely not confident, learn the desire of the bicycle is completely failed. It is in that summer vacation, in the mother cried to truly, I finally to see XiaoPing hometown--many times that she described to me, my eyes seemed to have very clear shadow mountain village!if necessary, will be with him a fight, hit him.lv We do not know whether with a match for Teng fasting when it was turned back inlv to a sharp knife cut.lv come here day after day live a peaceful state of mind, my humble opinion, this continues, they can from the A sharp knife cut inlv to a common swordsman.lv However, after a duel with a fast Teng, next only fully appreciate, their own hearts, and always can not be changed, that is, a sharp knife cut the killer.lv "Kaoru said menlv toring :
XiaoPing hometown is a great town, north and south east from three sides, in feeling is a magnificent view of the stone! XiaoPing home is a very simple, on the west and the sidewalk toward the yard with gravel piece of simple base several layers of a castle wall, the door is left pieces, and in a few ZhengFang between two facing south, between the west wing is low, the kitchen wall with gravel all room poincare, thatched roof of the old appearing a decline wounds, yard not flowers and plants, a few of the old tree silent standing.
XiaoPing father of medium height, the black and red LianTang, teddy very simple and honest, very few words. Mother is USSR are thin, a pair, and spell able and talk fast like a KuaiYu said. Walk into this common peasant, I have no constraint feeling, XiaoPing parents stay I will feel like family. Five XiaoPing younger brother, the second one, it only has a sister, really very strange, her sister looked like mother, the figure is slim, has a father's personality, silent. XiaoPing was like her father's LianTang, but inherited her mother's personality. The family together, little chance go out during the day to do farm work, they called the lake, it sounded feel very fresh. Fields is far from home, are almost early in the morning, take a day go dry rations, only in the supper together most of the family together. Would have to listen to XiaoPing said that she and her sister like a pair of enemy, almost never speak to, like to speak is fighting. But I could see no, my sister always smiling, I can't think of her and XiaoPing tough fight appearance!.louis vuitton damier ebene canvas alma bag for sale
XiaoPing that more than seventy years old at the feet on crutches were sent trembling to my grandmother, that good, I at that time should be all the kind old man to the child of that kind of good, can leave her home XiaoPing description really made me a scare. She said I went into her house of that a moment to her grandmother give shocked, but also to her parents leng XiaShen, she listen to my grandma and my parents said she never met before, like great aunt, her early years dead grandmother of close daughter. I again a little bit of a up that old man: she and XiaoPing a separate eating up, is a person lives in the east, the west is a two-piece her a small kitchen. She not let me and XiaoPing sleep in her room a empty bed, endless with talk, early in the morning on the stove in the kitchen of build by laying bricks or stones, busy a soil hearth, the following is red firewood on the stove, white, she will tottering sinister gas of end give me two eggs, sugar water is the sort of belt is blue edge of coarse white profits. Every night and XiaoPing lay in her black dong dong dong room, goodness timid I rarely feel fear.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Chinese New Year not to go home
Since that year, when away from home to shenzhen in between the outside has five Spring Festival. 2009 years of the Spring Festival also will then suddenly to, if there is no special change, then this Spring Festival this year will also be like usual stay here.
A memory. Since then, every year the most looking forward to is Chinese New Year. The usual bread and very common but clean clothes, to the New Year to all good beautiful. And every year since winter, outside of the hard work and all the folks in back, day is also more and more cold. Folks or carrying or not fully return, this year eat out by how much bitter, how much sin could be temporarily forget, kith and is the most happy reunion. Everyone together, ready to go out together, do we need to buy food to buy meat, to the home people buy clothes. Although the day is cold, but in the mind all warm warm. Parents are also busy cleaning the house, the house the things move out, wipe the floor, wall, the wash all of a wash, do good things will wait for the New Year.
How many years is snowing, it also is very cold cold, but these don't stop living in the excitement of the Chinese New Year. Very not easy hope to the final exam, again brought the notice and winter vacation work, happy New Year winter vacation began. And his parents busy and father or grandfather to the market always buy some pictures, goalkeeper, hang "happiness" upside down, paper cutting back, wait until the New Year's eve morning, again ask for help to write a few scrolls, the general is also: day life, increase the time people ChunManQianKun f ManMen; The bedroom with: the body healthy. Cow: LiuChu post the circle prosperity; Food on the bag: the grain and multiply it; And on the tractor's uncle: in and out of peace; And so on. The gate will also labeled the very exaggerated, "QinQiong virtues" goalkeeper, we don't care how much is the keeper asked grandpa's grandpa money to buy will tell we can't say that buy, said you can go back to the keeper. And it all ready, go to outside a hanging off firecrackers, and then put it and dad, uncle and cousin, to, although sometimes chenjiayuan snow on slippery, but we still hard up the slope.
From the ancestors grave down, the mother and aunt is ready for years the ye rice, his cousin, uncle, grandfather has come, and you sit together for the reunion dinner, finish eat always want to a walking around, a loved ones, looking at a lesbian with Spring Festival evening party, we are pleased to have to take the New Year's money to loved ones, then fart dian fart to the elders pour to wine. Beautiful happy New Year's eve, cook arrive at twelve o 'clock, the new ringing, we have together to the outside, stepped on the snow set off firecrackers, and when the New Year arrives. On New Year's eve is also the vigil, and we still small, less than a moment self is always fell asleep, wake up to in the first month.
In the first month in the early hours of the morning, grandpa in the outside with cypress branch, I to now also don't know the reason, a branch not as long as the cedars to smoke out over, I to now also don't know of a cause. In the first month is not the relatives, the family to eat a meal dumplings, but yesterday evening eat too full haven't digest, have to eat some support. Finished eat dumplings, changing the new clothes and jump up and down to and friends to play to the NaTang and melon seeds, together with the clothes to eat, compare themselves with shoes......,
The second relatives go to start, to my uncle's aunt's house, a, a, a walk of a string, a one to eat. 4 and he begins with the lantern, send my uncle's aunt's house, and spoil to send light to our house, then evening can pick lanterns to play, the mischievous will take a slingshot everywhere dozen.
10 or so, though no 15, but go out of doing things the folks have walked in, leaving us these children are still waiting for the 15, had had the 15 16 will go to school the Lantern Festival, the registration.
The Spring Festival is in joy and happiness have spent.
In shenzhen, the Spring Festival every year several posing, put on some flowers, factory put on some lights, put a few days off, put some fireworks, the New Year's eve the Spring Festival also even more; And the shortest time off three days, the longest time nine days, so generally like to work for a long time, the other factory in succession to start again, for a long time to just know the Lantern Festival.
Chinese New Year, year after year that childhood excited and happy but has not disappeared. Even the New Year's eve dinner every year Spring Festival evening party also without such as as tasteless. Investigate its reason, but also because we all grew up, and people's life better and better, so for all numb.
Immediately will have six the Spring Festival in the home, did not miss when I was a child at home in the scene of the Chinese New Year. Has good to eat, beautiful clothes to wear, and a beautiful snow can play. All of these are far away, every day to eat, don't know what is good; Dressed in fine clothes every day, I do not know what is beautiful; There are only snow, but it don't belong to the city.
The Spring Festival, Chinese New Year reunion kith home, actually has become one of our dream. If it is to break the common customs and the horns, the dream may be realized.
A memory. Since then, every year the most looking forward to is Chinese New Year. The usual bread and very common but clean clothes, to the New Year to all good beautiful. And every year since winter, outside of the hard work and all the folks in back, day is also more and more cold. Folks or carrying or not fully return, this year eat out by how much bitter, how much sin could be temporarily forget, kith and is the most happy reunion. Everyone together, ready to go out together, do we need to buy food to buy meat, to the home people buy clothes. Although the day is cold, but in the mind all warm warm. Parents are also busy cleaning the house, the house the things move out, wipe the floor, wall, the wash all of a wash, do good things will wait for the New Year.
How many years is snowing, it also is very cold cold, but these don't stop living in the excitement of the Chinese New Year. Very not easy hope to the final exam, again brought the notice and winter vacation work, happy New Year winter vacation began. And his parents busy and father or grandfather to the market always buy some pictures, goalkeeper, hang "happiness" upside down, paper cutting back, wait until the New Year's eve morning, again ask for help to write a few scrolls, the general is also: day life, increase the time people ChunManQianKun f ManMen; The bedroom with: the body healthy. Cow: LiuChu post the circle prosperity; Food on the bag: the grain and multiply it; And on the tractor's uncle: in and out of peace; And so on. The gate will also labeled the very exaggerated, "QinQiong virtues" goalkeeper, we don't care how much is the keeper asked grandpa's grandpa money to buy will tell we can't say that buy, said you can go back to the keeper. And it all ready, go to outside a hanging off firecrackers, and then put it and dad, uncle and cousin, to, although sometimes chenjiayuan snow on slippery, but we still hard up the slope.
From the ancestors grave down, the mother and aunt is ready for years the ye rice, his cousin, uncle, grandfather has come, and you sit together for the reunion dinner, finish eat always want to a walking around, a loved ones, looking at a lesbian with Spring Festival evening party, we are pleased to have to take the New Year's money to loved ones, then fart dian fart to the elders pour to wine. Beautiful happy New Year's eve, cook arrive at twelve o 'clock, the new ringing, we have together to the outside, stepped on the snow set off firecrackers, and when the New Year arrives. On New Year's eve is also the vigil, and we still small, less than a moment self is always fell asleep, wake up to in the first month.
In the first month in the early hours of the morning, grandpa in the outside with cypress branch, I to now also don't know the reason, a branch not as long as the cedars to smoke out over, I to now also don't know of a cause. In the first month is not the relatives, the family to eat a meal dumplings, but yesterday evening eat too full haven't digest, have to eat some support. Finished eat dumplings, changing the new clothes and jump up and down to and friends to play to the NaTang and melon seeds, together with the clothes to eat, compare themselves with shoes......,
The second relatives go to start, to my uncle's aunt's house, a, a, a walk of a string, a one to eat. 4 and he begins with the lantern, send my uncle's aunt's house, and spoil to send light to our house, then evening can pick lanterns to play, the mischievous will take a slingshot everywhere dozen.
10 or so, though no 15, but go out of doing things the folks have walked in, leaving us these children are still waiting for the 15, had had the 15 16 will go to school the Lantern Festival, the registration.
The Spring Festival is in joy and happiness have spent.
In shenzhen, the Spring Festival every year several posing, put on some flowers, factory put on some lights, put a few days off, put some fireworks, the New Year's eve the Spring Festival also even more; And the shortest time off three days, the longest time nine days, so generally like to work for a long time, the other factory in succession to start again, for a long time to just know the Lantern Festival.
Chinese New Year, year after year that childhood excited and happy but has not disappeared. Even the New Year's eve dinner every year Spring Festival evening party also without such as as tasteless. Investigate its reason, but also because we all grew up, and people's life better and better, so for all numb.
Immediately will have six the Spring Festival in the home, did not miss when I was a child at home in the scene of the Chinese New Year. Has good to eat, beautiful clothes to wear, and a beautiful snow can play. All of these are far away, every day to eat, don't know what is good; Dressed in fine clothes every day, I do not know what is beautiful; There are only snow, but it don't belong to the city.
The Spring Festival, Chinese New Year reunion kith home, actually has become one of our dream. If it is to break the common customs and the horns, the dream may be realized.
The feeling of coming home
B city 100 kilometers away from home, I get back to a trip to a month to see the mother. Some question: don't just go back to home: well, what is there worth showing off, is worth it. Actually otherwise.
Eat pattern. 20 years ago, the home is HuHu Fried noodles for breakfast, lunch, dinner they are old old net weight rice? That's a little not exaggeration, from the use la month! Dinner is a pot noodles. Too tough. Little imagine, people back about are, so that all the year round. Poor ah. In recent years, people back about mythical day thriving really made envy. He said the breakfast. From HuHu Fried noodles to spell Fried eggs, and then to milk bread, cake, soya-bean milk twisted dough-strips apple juice, etc, to figure. Not to repeat every day, week have menu.
Wear pattern. Former old three sets, green, blue, grey. Chinese New Year, which is also DaGongDaLu. This is an era of color. This said, I wonder, every year Spring Festival, the mother do a flower let me put my clothes? So far I still don't know!!!!! Now wear tricks, is more than a number. Opening the little chest-full, open the wardrobe-full, open had several old brown sand box (it is said that was the father bought from xian)-the full or clothes. 2 it is more varieties. Every year Spring Festival is a good younger sister panic is a bit more beautiful, from Beijing to bring parents of high-grade, traditional clothes to wear. Every city in what do parents what to wear. Through the lovely, line off the outfit and outfit after the leisure, is suit. The mother of all kinds of top-grade only wear leather shoes over a dozen of double. Tall waist, flat, bright red, low spent, and everything, wide variety. Three is western dress. Last year, a good younger sister from Israel back to a ShuiBuLai master tailors the. In short, wear pattern can't with the pale describes it. Authored
The pattern of the living. The popularity of the upper house say well. People back about good ChuanMenZi, relatives and friends, to come and go between good move. You look at the 365 days a year, every day have relatives. Mother is introduced.the had, now have a father's DangGuZi, mother's old colleagues, friends, some students of our brother against me as a guest, I have not get in the door, he was active say "hello" : come, the house sit! The problem is a "lived in political issues". This in her heart has always been a cupboard. The decoration of the only home more than is the bed, to the more relatives, but are introduced.the MuBanChuang. In recent years, the mother has no family hotel greatly, a few days ago to say to want to buy, datang power plant of floor, mother asked for 5 million! But mother anyway does not allow. Mother: I also want to such property management for a long time down to one hundred years, the dream has been the old man's house goal!
The pattern of the play. Once can only solve food and clothing, birthday, just a luxury. Now the rich, the child's birthday present is still in the warehouse filled a room, and my brother's children, my child, the younger brother, are concentrated and put a room. There is not exaggerated a toy room.
The pattern of the car. Belong to go home by bus to worry. At an early age, the car is the feeling of four (death) way. Spring chilly, cold, hot, hot summer dead, dead, cool autumn freshened through the heart, in the winter, freezing. Site Reform and opening up the people more and more affordable, higher income, long distance bus is great. Pattern update East wind, and from domestic to henan shaolin, to YuTong air conditioning. The internal facilities are constantly updated. From normal to the luxury, from there to the soft, from board seat to soft, leather sofa style of. What is a former facilities is no circumstance impression. Much better now, family music, home theater to closed-circuit television. Flow in public places, and at home, the absence of city residents as lonely, so Internet, chat, and when writers.
Eat pattern. 20 years ago, the home is HuHu Fried noodles for breakfast, lunch, dinner they are old old net weight rice? That's a little not exaggeration, from the use la month! Dinner is a pot noodles. Too tough. Little imagine, people back about are, so that all the year round. Poor ah. In recent years, people back about mythical day thriving really made envy. He said the breakfast. From HuHu Fried noodles to spell Fried eggs, and then to milk bread, cake, soya-bean milk twisted dough-strips apple juice, etc, to figure. Not to repeat every day, week have menu.
Wear pattern. Former old three sets, green, blue, grey. Chinese New Year, which is also DaGongDaLu. This is an era of color. This said, I wonder, every year Spring Festival, the mother do a flower let me put my clothes? So far I still don't know!!!!! Now wear tricks, is more than a number. Opening the little chest-full, open the wardrobe-full, open had several old brown sand box (it is said that was the father bought from xian)-the full or clothes. 2 it is more varieties. Every year Spring Festival is a good younger sister panic is a bit more beautiful, from Beijing to bring parents of high-grade, traditional clothes to wear. Every city in what do parents what to wear. Through the lovely, line off the outfit and outfit after the leisure, is suit. The mother of all kinds of top-grade only wear leather shoes over a dozen of double. Tall waist, flat, bright red, low spent, and everything, wide variety. Three is western dress. Last year, a good younger sister from Israel back to a ShuiBuLai master tailors the. In short, wear pattern can't with the pale describes it. Authored
The pattern of the living. The popularity of the upper house say well. People back about good ChuanMenZi, relatives and friends, to come and go between good move. You look at the 365 days a year, every day have relatives. Mother is introduced.the had, now have a father's DangGuZi, mother's old colleagues, friends, some students of our brother against me as a guest, I have not get in the door, he was active say "hello" : come, the house sit! The problem is a "lived in political issues". This in her heart has always been a cupboard. The decoration of the only home more than is the bed, to the more relatives, but are introduced.the MuBanChuang. In recent years, the mother has no family hotel greatly, a few days ago to say to want to buy, datang power plant of floor, mother asked for 5 million! But mother anyway does not allow. Mother: I also want to such property management for a long time down to one hundred years, the dream has been the old man's house goal!
The pattern of the play. Once can only solve food and clothing, birthday, just a luxury. Now the rich, the child's birthday present is still in the warehouse filled a room, and my brother's children, my child, the younger brother, are concentrated and put a room. There is not exaggerated a toy room.
The pattern of the car. Belong to go home by bus to worry. At an early age, the car is the feeling of four (death) way. Spring chilly, cold, hot, hot summer dead, dead, cool autumn freshened through the heart, in the winter, freezing. Site Reform and opening up the people more and more affordable, higher income, long distance bus is great. Pattern update East wind, and from domestic to henan shaolin, to YuTong air conditioning. The internal facilities are constantly updated. From normal to the luxury, from there to the soft, from board seat to soft, leather sofa style of. What is a former facilities is no circumstance impression. Much better now, family music, home theater to closed-circuit television. Flow in public places, and at home, the absence of city residents as lonely, so Internet, chat, and when writers.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
According to the beauty of the setting sun
That a dusk, to you to tell me tomorrow you to leave. You invited me to see the sunset. Are you always so like to watch the sunset, with you of that body green, with you whistle voluminous.
You said to me today is very red sunset, red thoroughly up half the sky. You also said that in the downtown of those days in the edge of the motherland, line and watch the sunset you would cry. So we walked in the Yangtze river, river's everything was on the other side of the west, only a ROM is falling, solemn and magnificent. You turned and asked me whether I would like to go with you and go straight to the sun set place? I didn't say like, also didn't say don't want to. But my gentle sufficient needle and you the strength of the pace in same direction is.szwcharles otaden blog
You never is the XinQu MingZou silently in me. I once for his not to give you the one thousand times to soak your shadow of dream and regret, maybe this is just a dignified wishes, but it with a light sorrow but as quiet as month;
With a deep look forward as heavy as the sea lawless. Like the little things flowing through the wet my imagination as wing, flies away my mood. That moment where you are? Took the letter read your sleepless nights, the conception of the dream stage write your twilight of the evening. The moment you must be very deep, deep completed the woman you no touching. You said the boundless huge how many people lost, and how much truth you share of the lingering but always in the loss of the youth warrior landscape.
In fact, we are looking for everything in the coming from loneliness, and with that trembling soul; "To all in, and with the smile walked the nutmeg elves. We all know where to go, search for eternity. Even in years when the memory, even cover in the spirit of feelings...... weathered When looking for the complete loss, we also goes out without touching the glory of the two paragraphs with soul out of fire in the middle of the night of the story in meditation. This is a piece of belong to you belong to me forever.shuaiziwei livedoor blog
Quietly, we walked very far very far, river water flow for a leisurely very clearly. A ROM or down. I see your eyes into my eyes line. You are in tears that a solemn and stirring sprinkling down? But we are truly feel something, as the sunset solidification beautiful, we from the lonely deeply understand the in you and me.
I took you to the right hand only disability of the, with you the incomplete fingertips light to wipe your glittering and translucent moist. The moment you smiled, your teeth for white. At that moment I didn't see you, but at what jiang sink slow and ancient river, and you are through I stare at the buddhist paradise there of a few wisps will destroy red, hidden you said your youth in the blood diluted rays of dense red.
I pulled up your that used to belong to only one section of the brilliant belong to war, and my right hand hand plugged into my pockets together. Early spring night wind cool, we face an evening stoop of color, how much time we carried the colour in different places to listen to the same theme of the setting sun. You and carefree whistles and up, and, with a few minutes gentle regret, you know this is alive, is living is for the sunset is very red, your youth is very red blood.
You said to me today is very red sunset, red thoroughly up half the sky. You also said that in the downtown of those days in the edge of the motherland, line and watch the sunset you would cry. So we walked in the Yangtze river, river's everything was on the other side of the west, only a ROM is falling, solemn and magnificent. You turned and asked me whether I would like to go with you and go straight to the sun set place? I didn't say like, also didn't say don't want to. But my gentle sufficient needle and you the strength of the pace in same direction is.szwcharles otaden blog
You never is the XinQu MingZou silently in me. I once for his not to give you the one thousand times to soak your shadow of dream and regret, maybe this is just a dignified wishes, but it with a light sorrow but as quiet as month;
With a deep look forward as heavy as the sea lawless. Like the little things flowing through the wet my imagination as wing, flies away my mood. That moment where you are? Took the letter read your sleepless nights, the conception of the dream stage write your twilight of the evening. The moment you must be very deep, deep completed the woman you no touching. You said the boundless huge how many people lost, and how much truth you share of the lingering but always in the loss of the youth warrior landscape.
In fact, we are looking for everything in the coming from loneliness, and with that trembling soul; "To all in, and with the smile walked the nutmeg elves. We all know where to go, search for eternity. Even in years when the memory, even cover in the spirit of feelings...... weathered When looking for the complete loss, we also goes out without touching the glory of the two paragraphs with soul out of fire in the middle of the night of the story in meditation. This is a piece of belong to you belong to me forever.shuaiziwei livedoor blog
Quietly, we walked very far very far, river water flow for a leisurely very clearly. A ROM or down. I see your eyes into my eyes line. You are in tears that a solemn and stirring sprinkling down? But we are truly feel something, as the sunset solidification beautiful, we from the lonely deeply understand the in you and me.
I took you to the right hand only disability of the, with you the incomplete fingertips light to wipe your glittering and translucent moist. The moment you smiled, your teeth for white. At that moment I didn't see you, but at what jiang sink slow and ancient river, and you are through I stare at the buddhist paradise there of a few wisps will destroy red, hidden you said your youth in the blood diluted rays of dense red.
I pulled up your that used to belong to only one section of the brilliant belong to war, and my right hand hand plugged into my pockets together. Early spring night wind cool, we face an evening stoop of color, how much time we carried the colour in different places to listen to the same theme of the setting sun. You and carefree whistles and up, and, with a few minutes gentle regret, you know this is alive, is living is for the sunset is very red, your youth is very red blood.
Life is a NiL
Beijing's winter is feeling of cold step, the stranger in the snow, step one, think about this through the bitterness of journey, life is a NiLv.
In Beijing had simple three days, and he cast in a hurry back, along the way, many of the majority is all shadow, subway station packed with numerous people, crowded auto and west with the wind mingled with the words of half took chills, hesitated face was just years smile. Life is not easy, the journey to rush about, the exhaustion of body and mind, carried a big pack from my side passing uncle said, and the bitter at 6 o 'clock, the lonesome train station.szwcharles otaden blog
The simple spent three days, perhaps is life's only three days, perhaps is life eternal three days, the xiyuan road always rows rows of bus drove by in big cities, the scenery is actually such, the Summer Palace and all of the garden, shopping as's it going and see the day, see the water, look at the changes in temperature and YanLiang ways of the world.
All of the landscape is the same, pass by our life, leaving became memories, forget a shame, but seemed to remember that there are still so of a smile, so a little tenderness, our road and how long, what we really have DuoDa stage, a a doubt on every one, but a once in the last question, has to walk a lost child, the crying in the snow clawing, we just saw the findings, we have run far away, crying, in cold in, in years ahead, or is to be in all the time.
Back to weifang and as a return to the origin, this time travel, know, understand, and maybe can't simple expression, and along the way, like a person who I've been waiting for, and she is always there, and is the real thing, real touched, I want to say too much to her and he, to all the people in the way
When a song in the spring, when the winter flourishing but long before, a heavy snow too much cold busy crowd melted far too much, memory, cruel destroy, frozen in too much yesterday evening sleeping people, remember the word, Mr Ma said, today was cruel, cruel tomorrow, the day after tomorrow is very good more, and most people died in the tomorrow night, because that night snow. A big, big snow covered, buried before all the road, the road, the rough displaced, never see, so we all subconscious think life is plain, go straight along until the, see the a a stranger's footprints, see the a a taxi to the people, we just were awake, the life is cruel, just at that time, day has cold let us unable to survive youkelly dtiblog blog
Life is take the bull, the society is cruel RongZa terrible, interest, and money crisscross, debaucjed of this is reality, like red Abraham said, pamuk-no matter what thing, once was infected with money and interest, will soon become unbearably vulgar, real life a lot of things to yield to money, but also in life under too DuoRen against the RMB typical. And then we see is, apart from back-to-back another hand, indulge so far, loitered DuoNian feelings in the cold winter snow covered by melting, and destruction.
The cruel reality, we will be more strong, until we are invincible, that's when we will find that life is beautiful, but, now we, from the how far?
And life has been a NiLv, we still need to continue to travel, to continue all the way need diffused
In Beijing had simple three days, and he cast in a hurry back, along the way, many of the majority is all shadow, subway station packed with numerous people, crowded auto and west with the wind mingled with the words of half took chills, hesitated face was just years smile. Life is not easy, the journey to rush about, the exhaustion of body and mind, carried a big pack from my side passing uncle said, and the bitter at 6 o 'clock, the lonesome train station.szwcharles otaden blog
The simple spent three days, perhaps is life's only three days, perhaps is life eternal three days, the xiyuan road always rows rows of bus drove by in big cities, the scenery is actually such, the Summer Palace and all of the garden, shopping as's it going and see the day, see the water, look at the changes in temperature and YanLiang ways of the world.
All of the landscape is the same, pass by our life, leaving became memories, forget a shame, but seemed to remember that there are still so of a smile, so a little tenderness, our road and how long, what we really have DuoDa stage, a a doubt on every one, but a once in the last question, has to walk a lost child, the crying in the snow clawing, we just saw the findings, we have run far away, crying, in cold in, in years ahead, or is to be in all the time.
Back to weifang and as a return to the origin, this time travel, know, understand, and maybe can't simple expression, and along the way, like a person who I've been waiting for, and she is always there, and is the real thing, real touched, I want to say too much to her and he, to all the people in the way
When a song in the spring, when the winter flourishing but long before, a heavy snow too much cold busy crowd melted far too much, memory, cruel destroy, frozen in too much yesterday evening sleeping people, remember the word, Mr Ma said, today was cruel, cruel tomorrow, the day after tomorrow is very good more, and most people died in the tomorrow night, because that night snow. A big, big snow covered, buried before all the road, the road, the rough displaced, never see, so we all subconscious think life is plain, go straight along until the, see the a a stranger's footprints, see the a a taxi to the people, we just were awake, the life is cruel, just at that time, day has cold let us unable to survive youkelly dtiblog blog
Life is take the bull, the society is cruel RongZa terrible, interest, and money crisscross, debaucjed of this is reality, like red Abraham said, pamuk-no matter what thing, once was infected with money and interest, will soon become unbearably vulgar, real life a lot of things to yield to money, but also in life under too DuoRen against the RMB typical. And then we see is, apart from back-to-back another hand, indulge so far, loitered DuoNian feelings in the cold winter snow covered by melting, and destruction.
The cruel reality, we will be more strong, until we are invincible, that's when we will find that life is beautiful, but, now we, from the how far?
And life has been a NiLv, we still need to continue to travel, to continue all the way need diffused
Sunday, June 12, 2011
lv But the wind shaking
the lead said: "What do you people, we help to do flying snakes idlers have no control.lv" inch a little white, a furious mind, do not talk a fight here.lv I saw flying snakes to help leaders see the small white-inch palm strike him, and he fired back, beat up to play in the past, palms touch, leaders felt a strong Zhang Li fight over, making themseyes forced back a few steps.lv The woman has stepped forward to fight wielding weapons.lv Leader of a small palm-inch shadow fluttering around in the White ran.lv After all, small rivers and lakes inch white with little experience, I do not know how to deal with do, is this time, leaders of the beat has come before the White Small-inch saw, once an iron Itabashi, formerly the back of a belief, just avoid this mode of .lv The woman suddenly said: "young people, do not be afraid, just to see the opponents to move, no matter how he changes, you can handle it.lv" Inch white small listened, and immediately the convergence of mind, your breath to see each other move, and sure enough , leader of the shadow of the palm fluttering Huhu, really see the flaws, that is, beat up every shoot, and he left the body will move a muscle.lv So White saw the opportunity for small-inch, until his head the front, suddenly hit a move straight to the head of left rib cage Kanglongyouhui, then leader of the people only see non-stop out, fell to the ground motionless.lv Those men saw him, frightened scurry around, while, it was gone.lv Only a small inch white mountains and the woman.lvlvlvSmall-inch white woman on the right that says: "What is your name, why are they siege?" The woman said: "I'm Xiaohui, head of the daughter of a fast Jianmen, those flying snakes to help because with my father Results of the enemy, but not enough to play my father, so in my own time, they come to plot against me, but fortunately have Shaoxia help, if not, I would lying dead on the streets.lv "So the two love at first sight, this will never be separated.lv They stay in the view of five cents a night, you leave quickly Jianmen the back.lvlvlvThis day, they returned quickly Jianmen, family members return, said: "Miss back, also brought a young back.lv" What the wind shaking and his wife, Chang Lee immediately went out to meet, see his daughter safe and sound then peace of mind the.lv See Lee White had come in with a small inch to ask Xiaohui, Xiaohui causes and effects that will listen to the father and mother, Lee listened to immediately elated, to find Xianxu and happy.lv But the wind shaking to a very cunning, he inches through and shake hands with a small chance of the white hand of a Push, like to try a small inch white martial arts, but a move, find each other is very deep and interior strength.lv Then he can rest assured.lvlvlvSo calm for some time, the rivers and lakes are anti Fuming has conducted some excitement.lvlvlvIn the middle, waiting for the timing of the arrival of martial arts hero.lv This day, white small-inch door in a fast main air Jianmen seen shaking swordsmanship, he resorted to the door Kuaijian iron swords, Jian Jian moves swift pace, the wind shaking practiced for a while, suddenly, in the garden wall flash on the figure, the wind shaking what people drink like a fish.lv So volley fly, resorted to door trick iron swords turn phoenix dragon, sword spinning both man Jianfei to the wall, wall immediately gave up a big hole in the back there is a middle-aged man in Tsing yi.lv Met with such a small inch of white is not good, then went back to the room.lv Besides the wind shaking the Tsing yi met this middle-aged man immediately said: "it was young, again unscarred it?" And saw that the middle-aged man in Tsing yi, said: "Brother, not seen in years, great progress in your effort Oh? "The wind shaking, said:" No, I just practice and they practice it.lv ah! is, and young have anything you want with me? "that middle-aged man named Cloud surprised to Tsing yi is the wind shaking the young, he said: "The older we get the room to say.lv" So goes the wind shaking and scared to come Daoshufangli.lvlvlvTwo are no longer welcome, and immediately entered, the cloud shock, said: "Brother, now check Shijie to restore the Ming dynasty landscape, the time is drawing near, we should do?" Wind shaking, said: "Do not worry, I already have a way to deal with.lv Just before they act, carry out a massacre of the whole exercise.lv will they clean sweep.lv "cloud scared to say:" Very good, very good.lv "wind shaking, said:"
withdrew the sword back.lv
lv yan wind is not met, and immediately withdrew the sword back.lv Hengshan School head master of a large segment Cheng Shijie sleeves fluttering in front to check that claim to check Shijie made to move, so that the Hengshan Cheng segment of cotton boxing, Sincere Voice of play, such as wind and thunder, and search the world When Jason give Stick greet, but felt like Sincere, such as weak heart, was strange, suddenly there is an energetically Zhizhuang rod to yourself, check Shijie knew that bad, once the position to make disposable stick, Duan Cheng See , and thought he was in his boxing ability, and immediately add punch shot, who knows suddenly feel Shenbuyouzhu to direct out, fell to the ground.lv Shijie for abandoning the original check is a fake bar trend, while clarified by the master of the fist paragraph of its power to fight back is true.lv So check Shijie and clinch battle.lvlvlvMountain School is the head of the next sub-yuk, yuk House took a step child, sword in hand, moves, and saw the sword turned into a little body Hanmang direct investigation Shijie, Shijie rod cross-check the left hand, right hand trickslouisvuittonhandbagsme a move Kanglongyouhui, Zhang Jin lasing out by calling the yuk Jianmang eleven sub-opening, of open, check Shijie wreck swept out of the left hand, hit the yuk sub-foot, yuk House, not the child back, but jump forward, while his right hand sword Mountain resort has its own virtual sword without cutting Jianguang lower abdomen to check Shijie, Shijie blink of an eye had to check yuk child behind So yuk Son sword that cut cut empty, while the focus is also lost, the people fell to the ground, then yuk child he lost.lvlvlvTurn of the last Taishan Pai Shi Tiancheng head and saw him come out quiet demeanor, a bend, and then a move Tai Gan Mao-style sword, entry, such as siyer sword thrusts point average check Shijie, Shijie check the left hand bamboo stick forward, palm backward, to make a very beautiful gesture, a move Shi Tiancheng solitary desert sand in front of a sword stabbing investigation Shijie from around the shoulders, the left stick a check Shijie, has been sealed Shi Tiancheng thorn a move to the left shoulder, right shoulder and sank at the same time to move away, and then beat up and hit the Shi Tiancheng backhand right wrist, Shi Tiancheng had to retreat to parry.lv Shi Tiancheng Dangjia finished, then a move Tiannvsanhua sword in the air scatter from the siyer pieces, check Shijie also turned into a piece of the rod hand rod shadow, against the Shi Tiancheng Jianguang.lv See Shijie Shi Tiancheng not get the check cheap, had to move suddenly closed, so instead of a staggered so check Shijie, Shi Tiancheng arms toward the body.lv Shi Tiancheng see the opportunity to immediately check Shijie belly stabbing sword, suddenly, his whole person can not move down to the ground.lv Shijie saved by the original investigation efforts, in the Shi Tiancheng not shot before, they have a shot.lv So Shi Tiancheng has lost.lvlvlvFinally, the chief is a search Shijie.lvlvlvSo, check Shijie on the distribution of manpower, the first phase of a master of Shaolin abbot to be responsible for dealing with tweye large master, fast Jianmen head of the hero responsible for liaison with customs, such as an opportunity to rush ahead to Beijing.lv Wudang, Emei, Kunlun, Diancang, Kongtong, Songshan, Huashan, Hengshan Mountain, Taishan factions were called disciples of the school, I helped lead in the second to open after a large master, officers and customs by the parties with the attack on the capital Hero , annihilate the Qing and restore the Ming my country.lvlvlvAfter each kicked, have left the Shaolin Temple.lv Shijie check back beggars have is June seven.lv So he taught law to the White louisvuittonhandbagsme and Da Goubang small inch, so a small white-inch to study and practice day and night, unconsciously, have a certain level of attainment.lv Time flies.lv ** Small-inch white have grown up, trained in martial arts are good.lv Bai inch so he travels to the outside.lv That day, he came to five cents Tiantong Mountain View, saw a group of people in the mountains around a young woman in the killing.lv Bai Cunxin think: How can this logic, a few people besieged a woman.lv I help her a hand.lv Small-inch white gas then put straight on the front of these people have to say: "you make a woman a few people, afraid of being ridiculed.lv" See those people who came twenty-three or four young people,
Friday, June 10, 2011
Of wild grass
両方の季節は、山を歩くと、植物は草であることがわかります。湿地、崖、隙間として土壌の握り限り、草の生活があるでしょう。 、"野生の火災、春には"一度の苦しみを経験してきたと考え、"いいえ花がない高さ、誰も私は草です知っている"と彼自身の日常に、自称草のためだった草、誇りに思って自己草と明らかに柔軟性は、しかし、最近では、物事の一部は、経験がないと一緒に暮らすには、私が理解したことを知った草より草のスタイルを理解することが理解できないことができない本質的に、真の草を呼び出すことはできません。
一昨日、田舎の生活の苦労話村人聞いています。山の中に位置し、災害が、残念なことに病気が折り返す場合、家族が苦しんでいる可能性がある場合にそれを削除しないで、神は慈悲を持っている場合は、手にすることができます辛うじて生計を依存していない単純なビジネス志向の農家がある拷問の病気。町の道路にある家は、しかし、あまりにも遠くにされていない貧困の祖先は、いくつかの家屋の崩壊が低いため、まともな家をカバーするために崩れ倒れ、男性はからではなく多くの文化が、炭鉱の金銭をするために、仕事に出て、家もと明らかに男は、石炭鉱山、胃の中年中作業が崩れたり肺は煙、不治の病吸入 - 肺がん、家族の柱は、若いとしての学校の子供たちのドロップアウトそれ以来、崩壊の13歳、薄い歳ホステスはほとんどは、死ぬことを待っている家庭では、病気を治療するためにお金を家族の負担を運んで家族がどのような生活の将来の困難に直面する必要がありますか? Bの家族は、家の才能のある男性で、****柔らかに見えますが、炭鉱のみ生き残るためには、下には、結婚のための肩の責任に圧倒される、カップルのハードワークは、道路のハード側に自分の家を建てたしかし、子供たちは奇妙な病気、頭痛、嘔吐を得たかわからない、病院も何の症状チェックを見ることができなかった、お金があまり効果しないように流れる子供の血管に、しかし、液体中に、その日のために病院に送られ、人がおびえる病気の子供は、拷問を受けて... ...このような苦難の顔が、彼らはまだ生き残るために子供たちを案内した。いくつかの不幸な悲しい、このような拷問は、これまでいくつかの病気以上のものですか、所得のない信頼できる情報源がある、ない良い医療の条件があり、山々は苦い農場生活、ああ、番号を持って!
一昨日、田舎の生活の苦労話村人聞いています。山の中に位置し、災害が、残念なことに病気が折り返す場合、家族が苦しんでいる可能性がある場合にそれを削除しないで、神は慈悲を持っている場合は、手にすることができます辛うじて生計を依存していない単純なビジネス志向の農家がある拷問の病気。町の道路にある家は、しかし、あまりにも遠くにされていない貧困の祖先は、いくつかの家屋の崩壊が低いため、まともな家をカバーするために崩れ倒れ、男性はからではなく多くの文化が、炭鉱の金銭をするために、仕事に出て、家もと明らかに男は、石炭鉱山、胃の中年中作業が崩れたり肺は煙、不治の病吸入 - 肺がん、家族の柱は、若いとしての学校の子供たちのドロップアウトそれ以来、崩壊の13歳、薄い歳ホステスはほとんどは、死ぬことを待っている家庭では、病気を治療するためにお金を家族の負担を運んで家族がどのような生活の将来の困難に直面する必要がありますか? Bの家族は、家の才能のある男性で、****柔らかに見えますが、炭鉱のみ生き残るためには、下には、結婚のための肩の責任に圧倒される、カップルのハードワークは、道路のハード側に自分の家を建てたしかし、子供たちは奇妙な病気、頭痛、嘔吐を得たかわからない、病院も何の症状チェックを見ることができなかった、お金があまり効果しないように流れる子供の血管に、しかし、液体中に、その日のために病院に送られ、人がおびえる病気の子供は、拷問を受けて... ...このような苦難の顔が、彼らはまだ生き残るために子供たちを案内した。いくつかの不幸な悲しい、このような拷問は、これまでいくつかの病気以上のものですか、所得のない信頼できる情報源がある、ない良い医療の条件があり、山々は苦い農場生活、ああ、番号を持って!
The Most Romantic Things
우주에있는 친구가 사랑과 현실, 마음을 만지는 없습니다 작성 참조하십시오.
결국 로맨스는 무엇입니까? 은, 로맨스, 환상의 시적 해석 사전과이란시, 무엇입니까 환상,? 그것을 구형 비현실적이다 기타 - 세속적인 공기를,인가요? 그것은 사랑은 참으로 헷갈리는 개념입니다 보인다. 그리고 난 사랑이 감정이라고 생각합니다, 열정이며, 언어는 향기로 설명할 수 없습니다.
로맨스는 현실에 반하 것 같습니다. 로맨스 사랑이 언제나 적합. 하지만, 많은 여성들은, 여성들은 대부분 감상적이기 때문에있을 수 있습니다 종종 그것 때문에 환상에 빠지다 낭만적인 꿈, 자신의 인생 전체를하고 계속 진행합니다. 어린 시절, 로맨스는 봄, 여름, 그럴땐 빨간 드레스 필드에있는 연이 날고, 가을, 겨울의 눈이 빨간 단풍. 사랑의 각성 젊은 사람은 이성에게 연애 편지가 가득 씰 머물러의 향을받을려고 안달 장미 꽃다발을 그에게 여러 미남 배우들과 한 달 동안 밤중에 바람을 가지고 열심, 챠밍 왕자의 꿈을 만날려고 안달 싶어요 , 영혼을 감동 사랑의 해석. 가족 후와 그녀의 남편은 스파크를 저어 항상 눈 안과 학생에 직면하고, 자주 사랑 기억에 남는 시간, 음악, 춤을 잘 들어 근처에 더 많은 시간을 그리기를 원한다. 어디 에나 내가 그의 크리스마스 선물을 받게되면 남편, 생일이나 발렌타인데을 망치고 싶지. 항상 사랑의 결혼을 확장하는 열망. 양측 사랑, 실망, 매디슨 카운티, 환상, 플라토닉 사랑의 정신에 영적인 친구의 다리에 아마도 욕망 때문이 아니 함께면. 반환 아이디어 아이디어는 전통적인 여성, 그녀는하지만, 많은 낭만적인 꿈을 가지고 있습니다 그녀의 남편이 자신을 배신하지 않았다만큼, 그녀는 집에서 안전한 피난처를 포기하는 것이 그녀의 남편과 아이에 대한 사랑은, 특별한 날이다 라이브 단지 그의 마음에 사랑의 흔적을 유지합니다.
사실, 여자는 로맨스를 원한다, 그것은 평범한 인생은 아무것도 조금 색깔 이상은되도록 매일 그리기 근처 샴페인 장미이다 아니, 당신은 조금 더 행복을 얻을 무슨의 작은 여자의 허영심.
이 시대에, 밖에서 너무 많은 유혹을 양파 껍질처럼 얇은 사랑, 샤오 집이 연인 정부는 더 이상 신선한 특이성의 감정, 그것은 가장 낭만적인 것은과 손을 잡고 것입보다 소중한 것 밖으로 울고있다. 사랑은 함께, 다들 호는 외침, 그것을 물리 치고 그것을 웃을 수있는, 시내 예 하오 서로 가득한 마음을 항상 그것만으로도 충분하다. 당신이 석양을, 바다와 산, 더 나은 미래의 공동 비전, 밤에 볼 수있다면, 서로에서 느린 부족한 물 파도가, 가족의 행복이 함께 낡은 성장 안아, 내 생각엔, 그건 오로지 시적, 현실에서 낭만적인 향미 권리를 가진다.
결국 로맨스는 무엇입니까? 은, 로맨스, 환상의 시적 해석 사전과이란시, 무엇입니까 환상,? 그것을 구형 비현실적이다 기타 - 세속적인 공기를,인가요? 그것은 사랑은 참으로 헷갈리는 개념입니다 보인다. 그리고 난 사랑이 감정이라고 생각합니다, 열정이며, 언어는 향기로 설명할 수 없습니다.
로맨스는 현실에 반하 것 같습니다. 로맨스 사랑이 언제나 적합. 하지만, 많은 여성들은, 여성들은 대부분 감상적이기 때문에있을 수 있습니다 종종 그것 때문에 환상에 빠지다 낭만적인 꿈, 자신의 인생 전체를하고 계속 진행합니다. 어린 시절, 로맨스는 봄, 여름, 그럴땐 빨간 드레스 필드에있는 연이 날고, 가을, 겨울의 눈이 빨간 단풍. 사랑의 각성 젊은 사람은 이성에게 연애 편지가 가득 씰 머물러의 향을받을려고 안달 장미 꽃다발을 그에게 여러 미남 배우들과 한 달 동안 밤중에 바람을 가지고 열심, 챠밍 왕자의 꿈을 만날려고 안달 싶어요 , 영혼을 감동 사랑의 해석. 가족 후와 그녀의 남편은 스파크를 저어 항상 눈 안과 학생에 직면하고, 자주 사랑 기억에 남는 시간, 음악, 춤을 잘 들어 근처에 더 많은 시간을 그리기를 원한다. 어디 에나 내가 그의 크리스마스 선물을 받게되면 남편, 생일이나 발렌타인데을 망치고 싶지. 항상 사랑의 결혼을 확장하는 열망. 양측 사랑, 실망, 매디슨 카운티, 환상, 플라토닉 사랑의 정신에 영적인 친구의 다리에 아마도 욕망 때문이 아니 함께면. 반환 아이디어 아이디어는 전통적인 여성, 그녀는하지만, 많은 낭만적인 꿈을 가지고 있습니다 그녀의 남편이 자신을 배신하지 않았다만큼, 그녀는 집에서 안전한 피난처를 포기하는 것이 그녀의 남편과 아이에 대한 사랑은, 특별한 날이다 라이브 단지 그의 마음에 사랑의 흔적을 유지합니다.
사실, 여자는 로맨스를 원한다, 그것은 평범한 인생은 아무것도 조금 색깔 이상은되도록 매일 그리기 근처 샴페인 장미이다 아니, 당신은 조금 더 행복을 얻을 무슨의 작은 여자의 허영심.
이 시대에, 밖에서 너무 많은 유혹을 양파 껍질처럼 얇은 사랑, 샤오 집이 연인 정부는 더 이상 신선한 특이성의 감정, 그것은 가장 낭만적인 것은과 손을 잡고 것입보다 소중한 것 밖으로 울고있다. 사랑은 함께, 다들 호는 외침, 그것을 물리 치고 그것을 웃을 수있는, 시내 예 하오 서로 가득한 마음을 항상 그것만으로도 충분하다. 당신이 석양을, 바다와 산, 더 나은 미래의 공동 비전, 밤에 볼 수있다면, 서로에서 느린 부족한 물 파도가, 가족의 행복이 함께 낡은 성장 안아, 내 생각엔, 그건 오로지 시적, 현실에서 낭만적인 향미 권리를 가진다.
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